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Report a problem

When a problem occurs, please check first thoroughly the following items before to decide to return the unit.

  • When Voltage, Current or Power aren't as expected, read first the Frequently Asked Questions as this can be quite normal.
  • When the current and power remain zero, check thoroughly the connected tank and the cables upon internal interruptions or bad plug contacts. Check also the Platinum wires in the tank. Try also to run the power supply without anything connected to see whether it acts as expected.
  • When the error 'Overload' or 'Short-circuit' occurs, check whether the power supply is suitable for the intended procedure. Check Choice of a power supply.

We need some information to be able to help. There are several manners to return this information which is requested in the grey box: you can print this page or export it as pdf and fill in the information at the desired location. It is also possible to: Select and Copy the text in the grey box here below, paste it into a new email message and fill in the requested items before sending it to Consort support (click this to open your email editor).

Please read also these packaging recommendations: How to protect your power supply before shipping?

Identify your equipment

  • Power Supply:
    • Model: ……………
    • Serial Number: ……………
  • Tank:
    • Model (e.g. EHS1100): ……………

Fill in or perform the following steps

  1. What is the preset voltage for your application? …………………V
  2. What is the preset current for your application? …………………mA
  3. What is the preset power for your application? …………………W
  4. What is the real voltage shown while running your application? …………………V
  5. What is the real current shown while your application? …………………mA
  6. What is the real power shown while your application? …………………W
  7. Leave all outputs open. (OBLIGED! nothing connected to the outlets).
  8. Reset the power supply. (OBLIGED! switch on while holding SET pressed).
  9. Always make sure to wait until one of the parameters is stable after pressing RUN.
  10. Program voltage to minimum, press RUN, read the output voltage: …………………V
  11. Read the output current: …………………mA
  12. Program voltage to maximum, press RUN, read the output voltage: …………………V
  13. Read the output current:…………………mA
  14. If any message occurs, what is EXACTLY shown on the display(s) ?
  • ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ps_report.1524209213.txt.gz · Last modified: 20/04/2018 07:26 by pieter